Monday, August 03, 2009

More Tax Payer Fraud...Cash for clunkers!

Cash for clunkers is nothing more than tax payer fraud. Instead of the government making loans to the big motor companies they are taking our money and giving it to them. Free of Charge. We are just a bunch of thieves stealing from ourselves by taking the money. The only one’s that will benefit are the recipients of the cash: The car companies.
Think! The government comes up with this scheme that you can take your gas guzzling car, (if I was part of state government I would howler “foul” because that will reduce tax revenue) give you $4500 of tax payer money for it to put toward a new car, and buy a car that you can’t afford. That is why you had the gas guzzler because you couldn’t afford a new car. As I read in other reports that people admit they can’t afford the car, but the American consumer can’t pass up a "good" deal. That is what got us in trouble in the first place. Tax payers lose, car companies win.
In reality the billions spent in this program was stolen from the tax payers and given to these ingrats who will end up getting the car repossessed. The bank will end up getting at best 50 cents on the dollar when they resell it. And the tax payers grand children get the bill from the government.